Products / Wood fiber insulation boards / Wood fibre insulation boards Top 220/180

Wood fibre insulation boards Top 220/180

  • holzfaser-nut-feder-01.jpg

TOP is a high pressure- and weather resistant insulation board. Top may temporarily be used as weatherproof roof during the construction period, once the roof pitch is at least 15°. It is also excellent for the use as insulation for a weathered frontage. Due
to its surface coating with latex the surface is slip resistant.

Top 220 with higher density
Nominal value of thermal conductivity λD 0.047 W/(m·K)
Density 220 kg/m3

Top 180 with higher density
Nominal value of thermal conductivity λD 0.042 W/(m·K)
Density 180 kg/m3


Field of application according to DIN 4108-10


  • This insulation may be used temporarily as weatherproof roof (roof inclination from 15°)
  • According to the expert opinion of Holzforschung [Wood research] Austria, suitable as a rainproof sub-roof according to the Austrian B4119 standard.
  • Water resistant insulation board for roof and walls
  • UDP-A pursuant to ZVDH